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Therapy provides insight into and offers relief from your troubling issues.
Can get in the way of just about everything. Whether it’s simply dampening motivation and enjoyment of life, or so deep you can’t get out of bed, know that you don’t always have to feel this way.
Learn MoreAnxiety exists in many forms: sometimes it’s acute, overwhelming and crippling. Or it can be more insidious, pervasive, free-floating and seemingly endless. What it doesn’t have to be is hopeless.
Learn MoreYou weren’t born feeling this way, but it probably feels like you were. We’ll try to understand how that came to be and work on substituting confidence and a positive sense of self-worth.
Learn MoreRelationships are difficult to navigate. You may unknowingly be getting in your own way. We’ll look at how and why, and work on changing the interfering dynamics preventing you from having what you want.
Learn MoreBeing stuck in self-defeating patterns is not uncommon. Making a choice you later regret is normal, but when maladaptive behavior is a pattern, we look for new perspectives to break it.
Learn MoreOvercoming fear of rejection an experiencing vulnerability to achieve true intimacy, or exploring one’s sexual orientation and sense of self can be addressed without shame or judgment.
Learn MoreWe come into this world hard-wired with something. But not everything. How we were parented affects who we have become. What we internalized that no longer serves us well is what we’ll look at changing.
Learn MoreSometimes good enough is good enough. Sound reasonable? Probably not, because you want to be perfect, not merely “good enough.” There’s a problem, though: perfection is a fantasy.
Learn MoreWe’ll distinguish between the anxiety disorder, OCD, and the personality disorder, OCPD. What they share is significant interference with successful life functioning. They become their own end.
Learn MoreHealthy dependency admits a need for others and unhealthy dependency shows a lack of self-reliant confidence. Codependency is the sacrifice of your needs in the service of someone else’s.
Learn MoreSince there is much in our world we can’t control, stress management is the goal. Finding new ways to react to it, and discovering techniques to soothe oneself when it hits, are key.
Learn MoreThere is no one right way to mourn a loss, nor is the death of a loved one the only loss we will ever have. Mourning is a process of adaptation and acceptance. Life can and does go on.
Learn MoreAnger is one sliver of the great human spectrum of emotions. It is normal, and not “wrong.” It becomes problematic when it spirals out of control and gets in the way of everyday life.
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