Therapy Can Work

Katherine Rabinowitz, LP, M.A., NCPsyA

Licensed Psychotherapist & Psychoanalyst
Union Square, Greenwich Village, New York, NY

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Therapy Can Work

Katherine Rabinowitz, LP, M.A., NCPsyA

Licensed Psychotherapist & Psychoanalyst
Union Square, Greenwich Village, New York, NY

Tag Archives: Feel like a fraud

I Feel Like A Total Fraud – Imposter Syndrome

Even someone who has been in a job for many years can have a moment or many moments where it suddenly feels like you have no idea what you’re doing. You feel like a fraud, an impostor. What am I doing here? The post addresses this issue, and quotes many famous people you will have heard of who feel the same way. You are not alone. See the end of the complete post for quotes from famous people you will know who often feel like a fraud!

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