Therapy Can Work

Katherine Rabinowitz, LP, M.A., NCPsyA

Licensed Psychotherapist & Psychoanalyst
Union Square, Greenwich Village, New York, NY

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Therapy Can Work

Katherine Rabinowitz, LP, M.A., NCPsyA

Licensed Psychotherapist & Psychoanalyst
Union Square, Greenwich Village, New York, NY

Tag Archives: Perfectionism

Are you OCD? Do You Feel Compelled To Do Things A Certain Way Every Time?

Having to do things a certain way every single time is a way of relieving anxiety. But it becomes a problem in and of itself when it gets out of control. When there’s no Off button. And not doing it the way you like causes anxiety rather than relieving it. And expands until you become a prisoner of your rituals. Or maybe you just have habits that help you get through difficult situations or everyday life. This post helps distinguish the two.

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